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28366 Vanity Fair – Nonna e Bimbi
NONNA e BIMBI - "Now measure fairly" Engraved by Wellstoud. Graziosa scenetta familiare con la nonna che "misura" l'altezza dei nipotini -
30624 Vanity Fair – John James Robert Manners
JOHN JAMES ROBERT MANNERS - 7th Duke of Rutland- "Statesmen, n.°36 - Let arts and commerce, laws and learning die, but leave us still our old nobility" -
29575 Vanity Fair – Isabella II di Spagna
SABELLA II DI SPAGNA - "Sovreigns n.2 - She has throughout her life been betrayed by those who should have been most faithful to her" -
29708 Vanity Fair – Giurista – Frederic Thesiger (Baron Chelmsford)
GIURISTA FREDRIC THESIGER - "Statesman n° 39 -It is hardly to be delivered that two political leaders should fall out only because their wives cannot agree" - Frederic Thesiger, 1st Baron Chelmsford PC KC FRS. Giurista e politico. Ricoprì la carica di lord Chancellor